Place a Custom Order

If you would like to inquire about a commissioned order, fill out the form at the bottom of this page, or email me after reviewing the information below - I will get back to you as soon as possible! 


Once I review your custom order request, I will reach out to you and give you an estimate on your order. Please allow up to 3-5 days for a response. If you choose to follow through with the custom order, I will then ask for a down payment to secure the custom order spot - this can either be payment in full, half of the payment of 1 of 4 payments, depending on the method you choose.

After it is completed, I will email pictures of the item, collect the remaining balance as well as the shipping information to then ship the order. Please read policies on returns, down payments and shipping. I accept venmo, Zelle, or Apple Cash. I am open to payment splits up to 4. If you are interested in 4 payments instead of 2 or in full, please let me know in the customs form so we can adjust the price of the expected downpayment in my response email. 

Please allow up to 2-4 weeks to complete a custom order at least. 
If after 5 days you have not heard from me at all, please reach out to me on Twitter (kelsotheartist) or IG (braggaboutitartistry) in case there has been a website/email glitch

Please include within your request:

  •  Size preferred/Sizes you'd like to have quoted
  • Colors/Keywords/"Vibes" desired, photos are welcome. No links, please! I won't click on them. 
  • Gold, Silver, or Bronze details? (if any)
  • Any other details you would not like left to the artist.